Due to our agreement with the Duch authorities, the following animals will be available for an ESF breeding loan:
Podocnemis unifilis
Platemys platycephala
Phrynops geoffroanus
Chelus fimbriatus
Chelonoidis denticulata
Pelomedusa subrufa
Macrochelys temminckii
Emydura subglobosa
Chelydra serpentina
Mauremys reevesii
Apalone spinifera
Centrochelys sulcata
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Emys orbicularis
Elseya novaeguinee
Messaclemmys gibba
For animals that are part of an active breeding programme (a studbook), the studbook keeper has priority in placing animals.
In case of more demand in animals than there are animals available, studbook keepers have priority over non-studbook keepers.
We will ask a small contribution per person, the animals will stay under the ownership of ESF.
It is adviced to investigate the animals for possible parasites or microplasma. Also a quarantaine period is advised.
For interest in these animals or for further questions, dont hesitate to contact us!
On behalf of the board,
Nick Cramer
Coordinator studbooks
(animals in photo are not the actual animals)