General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Dear reader,
With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) funds from now on, the same rules for protecting privacy throughout the European Union. The ESF must also comply with these rules. Therefore, a statement below.
The ESF has as its main goal to manage studbooks for reptiles and amphibians. To enable that management we need to register your name, physical address, e-mail address and the animals with which you participate in the studbook(s). These data have been entered in the new online studbook database that the ESF has developed.

These online registrations are not publicity available. Only the studbook coordinators, and the board members of the ESF have access to data of these registrations.
We ensure and guarantee that any public reports which are published on the bases of the studbook software, such as the studbook overviews in the annual reports, do not contain your name and address but anonymous location codes. Every studbook keeper can use his own developed codes.

We use your contact details:
- to contact you in case of availability or transfers of studbook animals from the ESF to you,
- to ask you for your voluntary participation in breeding programs,
- to get information about the offspring to use in breeding programs,
- to inquire about the welfare of the animals and
- to distribute information about the species.
On your request we may also share your e-mail address with other studbook participants, in case you want to exchange experiences or the like, or in case you and the other participant want to arrange a transfer of animals.

Studbook participants who will take care of animals owned by the ESF sign a contract between the participant and the ESF.
In these new ESF contracts state that with the signing of the contract the caretaker also agrees with the registration of his personal data listed in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, for the purpose of establishing the location where and by whom the animals are being cared for and the above mentioned five goals.

We will contact studbook participants who already take care of ESF animals and already have signed contracts, to ask them if they still agree with the use of their personal data as mentioned above.

We store all original contracts on paper and have digitally saved scans. The scans are accessible for the studbook keepers and board members only. Our computers are adequately secured against abuse by third parties.

With this matter we have not made any changes to our procedures and conditions.

Each studbook participant has the right to inspect, right to correction and the right to removal of the data concerning him. We ask him to contact the secretary therefor .

The studbook participant, who cares for ESF animals, is aware that the right to correction and / or the right to delete data may possibly have consequences for the continued existence of the ESF contract signed by him and the resulting rights and obligations of both the ESF and the participant.

May 2018