Board resolutions


A change of Board members took place on 1 April 2023.
The new ESF board now consists of:
- Boris Berlin, president
- Johan Wierenga, secretary & treasurer
- Stijn de Vries, communication & general board member

The former board member: Rob Verhoeks will be thanked for his work as board member and dedication to the ESF very soon.


A change of Board members took place on 1 April 2023.
The new ESF board now consists of:
- Boris Berlin, president
- Johan Wierenga, secretary & treasurer
- Rob Verhoeks, general board member
- Stijn de Vries, communication & general board member

The former board member: treasurer Harrie Hensgens was thanked for his work as board member and dedication to the ESF.

An update on the new studbook policy and its explanation will soon be published on this website.


A change of Board members took place on 1 January 2022.
The new ESF board now consists of:
- Boris Berlin, president
- Johan Wierenga, secretary
- Harrie Hensgens, treasurer
- Rob Verhoeks, general board member.

The former board members: president Laurens Woldring, secretary Harry Rotmans and treasurer Corrie Boom-Rijff are thanked for their many years of dedication to the ESF.


New Boardmembers
1. The board got acquainted with the new candidates for the board positions of chairman and secretary. Per January 1, 2022, Laurens Woldring, Harry Rotmans and Corrie Boom will step down as board members and a new chairman, a new secretary and a new treasurer will take office. Further introductions and announcements to follow.

New studbook policy
2. The new studbook policy and its explanation will be published on this website shortly.


1. Renewal studbook management
In the new set-up there is only one type of studbook, with the following aspects/characteristics:
- the protection qualification of the animal species remains at least “vulnerable”,
- studbook keepers indicate what concrete goals they are going to pursue with their studbook,
- board and studbook keepers clearly confirm their mutual commitment to an optimal to ensure mutual communication and provision of information,
- in principle, a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 50 founder animals are kept in the registered online system to permanently guarantee a workable number of bloodlines,
- changes in the online registration are passed on to the board,
- studbook keepers and studbook participants clearly confirm their mutual commitment to ensure optimal mutual communication and to maintain the registered number of bloodlines together,
- F1 offspring are listed by the studbook keepers on a separate list (not online) registered,
- non-functioning studbook keepers and studbook participants will – after fruitless resit – be deleted. In some cases, the board will look for new studbook keepers.

2. Board renewal
The board will soon be in talks with candidates for a board position.


1. Stop two studbooks
With thanks to the relevant studbook keepers, and following the results of the survey among studbook keepers, the studbooks Manouria emys and Siebenrockiella crassicollis will be stopped and kept in storage.
But for the so-called ESF animals that are also included in these two studbook registrations, the registration of these animals and the locations in the General ESF Animal Register will continue to exist! The latter also applies to the ESF animals in the studbooks mentioned in Board resolution 06-03-2021, number 2.

2. New Board member
Rob Verhoeks, NL is listed as General Board member in the foundations register of the NL Chamber of Commerce.

3. Future vision
The future vision for the ESF will be discussed in the next Board meeting on September 23, 2021.


1. Studbook keepers survey
As part of the reassessment of the objectives and working method of the ESF, a survey was held by Floris Visser among all studbook keepers. The results of that survey have been discussed. Seven non-responding studbook keepers are still asked to answer the questionnaire.

2. Stop studbooks
With thanks to the relevant studbook keepers, and following the results of the survey among studbook keepers, the following studbooks will be stopped: Agrionemyshorsfieldi,Cuora flavomarginata, Graptemys barbouri, Graptemys caglei, Graptemys flavimaculata, Graptemysoculifera, Graptemys sabinensis, Cuora aurocapitata,Cuora mmcordi and Cuora zhoui.

3. Goals and approach studbooks
The studbook keepers who continue with their management are asked to formulate the goals and approach of their studbook together with their participants. In the program, a distinction can be made between:
a. the real founder animals and the F1 generation, b. the keepers of the animal species and c. the ESF animals (which may or may not be available for breeding attempts).

Studbook keepers are also asked to use Victor Loehr's excel sheet "Core data studbook management". If requested, they can get help from the board.

4. Links from the website to studbook keepers
Unfortunately, the links on the website from the studbook pages for messages to the studbook keepers no longer functioned properly. This problem will be solved as soon as possible.

5. General call for board vacancies
For the expansion and addition of the board, an advertisement for new board members is placed on the website and the facebook page.


1. Communication within the foundation.
Due to the tight staffing of the board, communication with the (co) studbook keepers is seriously compromised. Board decisions and other board activities and information are placed more prominently on the website. At the same time, the (co) studbook keepers will be informed of these publications by email.

2. ESF in change.
In brainstorming sessions with a number of ESF participants, the board is busy setting up a work plan for adapting the organization and working method of the ESF to the changing society. The (co) studbook keepers will be informed about this as soon as possible.
They are then asked whether they want to continue their studbook management in the new constellation.

3. ESF studbooks.
The three-part studbook category classification used so far will be abolished. The starting point is that new studbook animal species must at least have the CITES status “Vunerable”. However, special situations in Europe that deviate from this are possible; the board decides on this.
Studbooks, which are only used to maintain contact with enthusiasts (social animals), will be removed. After the inventory in point 2, the latter will take place in the next board meeting.

4. Studbook management.
The studbook keepers form the basis of the ESF with their studbooks. In order to achieve demonstrable results in building up and maintaining the population of an animal species in Europe, the board wants to work with a model management plan. At the beginning of 2021, all (co) studbook keepers will be asked - together with their studbook participants - to first formulate the objective of their studbook and then determine a management plan on the basis of the model (spreadsheet). This management plan then forms the route along which work is done within the studbook.

5. Expansion of public relations.
This point is parked for a while until the new policy is implemented.
The intention is to provide periodical studbook news to magazines for publication.

6. Introduction of an online registration system.
For the benefit of the (co) studbook keepers, a short and concise instruction video is made of a basic studbook registration. After the inventory of point 2, this instruction will be made available to all (co) studbook keepers who continue. Personal help is provided.

7. Content online registration.
As the lower limit of each studbook registration, the starting point is: in principle the inclusion of at least 10 founder animals as a basic group and approximately 25 captive bred animals per breeding pair. Exceptions and deviations, provided that they are well justified, are possible; the board decides on such a motivated plan.

8. Regulation Procedure for Door Animals NL.
The role in this procedure will be maintained. Consultations are taking place with RVO / IBG / CITES.NL about the relaxation of this procedure.

9. Confiscated animals (Abbreviated: IBG animals) that become ESF animals.
The full list of Dutch IBG animals, which are offered in ownership by the Dutch government to the ESF, will be sent to the (co) studbook keepers for information, with the question whether there is interest in taking care of those animals. The only restriction here is that these animals can only be placed at addresses in the Netherlands. Studbook participants can also register for placement, but here too the animals can only be placed at addresses in the Netherlands.
The organization of the transport from the storage depot to the reception address is in principle in the hands of the Dutch government.

10. Contribution to the shelter of ESF animals.
The ESF requests a contribution of € 25 per animal species for the shelter of ESF animals. Any required EU certificates will be charged separately: € 15 per EU certificate NL.

11. Annual ESF day.
This day will not take place this year due to the prevailing Covid-19 virus. In 2021 it will be examined whether the ESF day can continue.

12. Coordinator studbook keepers.
This function will be discontinued because it no longer fits in the new, simplified organizational structure. (co) Studbook keepers can consult sitting board members about studbook matters.

13. New Treasurer.
In the course of 2021, the retiring treasurer Corrie Boom NL will be succeeded by Harrie Hensgens NL with thanks.

14. Country coordinators.
With thanks, the Country Coordinators will be informed that this institute will be discontinued, because this function no longer fits in the new, simplified organizational set-up.

15. Webmaster.
In connection with continuity, a second webmaster is requested.

16. Genetics Committee.
With thanksgiving, Gerrit Hofstra is removed as a member due to other activities.

17. Collaboration with Animalis Futurum, Barneveld, NL
The ESF values ​​the project, but cannot pay the financial contribution. The requested contribution of 100 working hours is also not feasible for the ESF. The NBSV is asked about a possible collaboration in a modest form towards Animalis Futurum.

18. Fees.
Under the articles of association, the board members do not receive any remuneration for their activities. Facilities secretariat costs and mileage allowances for ESF animal transport by board members and other ESF participants are reimbursed.


1. Results brainstorming group future ESF.
Results of 1st meeting discussed and 2nd meeting prepared for April 11, 2020
Suggested topics / points:
- Expansion of the administrative capacity is essential for the proper functioning of the board.
- Improvement of communication between board and studbook keepers, and between studbook keepers and studbook participants.
- Have studbook objectives formulated by studbook keepers with their studbook participants. Have them draw up and implement breeding programs at the next stage.
- Introduction of the new online registration system to (co) studbook keepers and on request assist in entering their registrations.
- Evaluation of the existing studbooks by means of a survey. The results of the survey are the basis for further decision-making about the studbooks.
- Evaluation of the shelter of ESF animals. Among other things, from seizures, the government authorities offer animals to the ESF for permanent shelter. The ESF will get the ownership of those animals. It wants to offer these animals good and responsible housing and thereby contribute to the prevention of an uncertain future for those animals.

2. Brexit.
The ESF realizes that Brexit may also have negative consequences for cooperation with animal keepers in the UK.


The activities of the ESF may not meet the needs of a changing society and world. A reflection on functioning in the future is therefore in order. A discussion group will be set up to brainstorm about the future alignment of the ESF and, if possible, to arrive at any necessary adjustments to the working method and organization.


1. Organization ESF day June 22, 2019, Aeres Barneveld, NL.
- Program, chairman and speakers are finalized.
- Number of tours depends on the number of registrations. They are scheduled in the program.
- Interim discussions are possible. Some space is allowed for this in the time schedule.
- A timetable for the entire program is published. The term of registration is explicitly stated.
- Lunch, speaker expenses, etc. are arranged.

2. Confirmation of contribution for shelter IBG and front door animals NL.
- For IBG animals NL and Voordeur animals NL it has now been definitively decided to charge € 25 per placement, regardless of the number of animals involved in a placement. Any costs per EU certificate are calculated separately.
- For IBG animals from outside the Netherlands, the costs for import, customs, health declaration, CITES, transport, etc. are added up and apportioned per animal.

3. Designations, etc. in online registration system.
a. The Studbook keepers are hereafter called: Studbook coordinators.
b. The Participants (participants / carers / keepers) are hereafter called: Keepers.
c. The Coordinator studbooks and studbook keepers will be called: Manager studbooks coordinators.
d. The online form is placed on the opening page of each studbook.
e. Each Studbook coordinator will notify the keeper by e-mail whether or not he agrees with his registration, change or termination.
f. Photos of animals can still be added to the registry.
g. Website and online system remain two separate systems for security reasons.
h. If the date of birth of an animal is known, that date is stated in the registration. If that date is not known, “unknown” is stated.
i. The starting point for the registration remains: a maximum of 50 founder animals (preferably the same number of both sexes) and the first 6x F1 captive bred animals from each pair of fountain animals. But the registration system leaves room for many more captive bred animals.
- A clear manual will be prepared and a short presentation will be given on the intended system on 22 June.


1. Addition to new online registration system.
With each studbook registration, only codes are registered instead of the names of the participants and the locations. Each studbook keeper keeps a so-called Key to locations list, which is also provided to the relevant board member.

2. Use of the online registration system.
- Instead of a few board members, the registration system is fed and processed by the relevant (co) studbook keeper.
- Each studbook keeper can only work in the system in his own studbook registration.
- Every board member can fully view and edit all studbook registrations. Any operation is immediately reported to the studbook keeper (if present).

3. Online form on the website.
- An online form will be placed on the website, which can be completed online by anyone and sent online to the relevant studbook keeper.
- If there is no studbook available, the form must be sent to the secretariat, which manages the ESF animal administration.
- The online form must be textually usable for registrations, changes and cancellations and must be on the website no later than 30 March.

4. Procedure for registering, changing, deregistering etc. pedigree animals.
- The newcomer / existing studbook participant automatically sends the completed form online to the studbook keeper.
- The studbook keeper assesses whether the registration, change or cancellation is approved.
- In case of disagreement, the newcomer / existing studbook participant will be informed.
- In case of a positive assessment, the studbook keeper processes the data in his online registration.
- In the (temporary) absence of a studbook keeper, a board member takes over his task.

5. Registration of ESF animals from the so-called Front Door Animal Procedure NL.
- Full addresses, studbook numbers and copies of issued EU certificates are always required for the registration of so-called front door animals.
- Keepers of ESF animals must report numbers of animals bred in captivity to the respective studbook keepers or the secretariat respectively. This obligation is explicitly included in the ESF agreements. The studbook keepers (if present) have a cooperative task.

6. ESF day in 2019.
- This day will take place on June 22, 2019.
- In any case is on the program, the information / explanation of the new online registration system and the working method.
- Attention is also paid to the future of the ESF.
- Presentations about keeping and breeding animal species will not be held on that day; the topics should remain thematically more general in nature.
- Participants must register with the ESF well in advance (eg in connection with the number of participants for lunch at € 12.50).


1. Development of a new online registration system.
In every new studbook registration are registered:
- A maximum of 50 founder animals, if possible in the ratio 25 males-25 females.
The exact legal origin must be demonstrably established and photos must also be supplied. The website template must be used for this.
- The first 6x F1 captive bred animals from each pair of founder animals.
The various percentages that have been used so far are now deleted and in their place is the “first 6x F1 captive breeding animals determination” for all animal species.
- Due to the manageability is the maximum number of animals that are registered in a studbook, set at 300 animals. (Maximum 50 founder animals and 250 F1 captive bred animals)
- This maximum does not apply to the compulsory registration of original front door and IBG species, for which there is currently or in the future no regular studbook (anymore). The board has no influence on the number of these, because it is completely dependent on the unexpected offer.
- The studbook keepers must pass on the changes in the registration file to the board, which are then processed by it. In order to keep the registration program as simple as possible, the editing of the file is exclusively carried out by a few board members (or an explicitly authorized representative): not by studbook keepers.
- For the purpose of drawing up breeding programs etc., the studbook keepers are provided with copies of the registration data. In doing so, the provisions of the GDPR are always monitored.
- Studbook keepers have the freedom to manage or not manage animals other than the studbook animals in their own registry, for example, in order to gain insight into the actual ex situ situation.
- The new online registration system will in any case be discussed on the ESF day 2019. But in the meantime, all (co) studbook keepers will be informed of the developments that are going on.

2. Method of sheltering ESF animals in the Netherlands.
- If ESF animals have to be moved from one carer / location NL to another carer / location, then the EC certificates - in accordance with - must always be requested by the ESF and not by the actual carer / holder.
- In case of large-scale registrations of aspirant keepers for the reception of new ESF animals, it is stated that, in consultation with the relevant studbook keeper, his studbook participants have a preference for the placement of the new ESF animals.

3. Contribution to the shelter of ESF animals.
- For each placement of ESF animals - which come from a so-called NL Front Door Animal Procedure or from RVO-IBG-NL, a standard contribution of € 25 is requested. This contribution is largely used to build up a nature conservation fund for the relevant animal species.
If applicable, the costs for EU certificates will also be charged.
The above also applies to captive breeding of ESF breeding animals, as well as to the move from one keeper / location to another keeper / location.
- If ESF animals are moved from a private location to an EAZA zoo, no agreement will be entered into with that zoo for this transfer.
- For any import animals from other countries within and outside Europe - which become ESF animals - a distribution amount per animal based on all necessary import costs incurred.

4. Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU).
The last MOU between EAZA and ESF has expired and a new MOU is being discussed with EAZA.

5. Management studbook Testudo hermanni hermanni.
The board agrees to transfer this management to Floris Visser, NL and Koen Boogaerts, BE.


1. Future of ESF.
Although the statutory activities have recently been insufficiently realized for various reasons, it is unanimously concluded that the ESF has the right to exist and appreciated recognition by authorities and private individuals, which reinforces the enthusiasm to continue to recalibrate the working method.
The policy regarding animal registration, breeding programs, PR and finances are reviewed and developed.

2. Annual ESF days.
The annual studbook keeper days will be converted into ESF days, for which more people than just the (co) studbook keepers are explicitly invited to participate in these activities.

3. ESF day September 29, 2018 moved to 2019.
This day is forced to be postponed to the 2nd quarter of 2019. On that day in 2019, the new registration system will be presented.

4. Registration systems.
- Because the current registration system and service costs continue to mean an irresponsible burden on finances and no improvement can be achieved, the current online registration system will be discontinued.
- In principle, the new studbook registration system only registers founder animals and F1 captive bred animals (in a small number) whose origin is demonstrably legally established. Illegally kept animals are always refused.
- The new system will significantly ease and change the range of duties of the studbook keepers.

5. Dead ESF animals.
- In the ESF contracts the provision regarding dead animals and associated section deleted, because that provision has never been passed in recent years and the carer should not be unnecessarily burdened with conservation and veterinary visits.
- There will be a provision in the ESF contracts regarding the submission of a photo of the plastron of the dead animal on an ESF template that will be published on the website. The template with the ESF logo must be provided with the photo, photo date, place and name and address of the carer.

6. Website and facebook page.
The (co) studbook keepers and studbook participants are asked to submit articles, announcements, photos of clutches, events, etc. for publication on both media.


1. Algemene Bezitsontheffing NL.
The ESF concludes an agreement with Ministry EC, RVO.NL to obtain a General Property Deduction (Dutch: Algemene Bezitsontheffing) for confiscated animals and so-called front door animals, which become transferred to the ESF in ownership.
The so-called front door animals concerns an special arrangement about found or left behind animals in the Netherlands.

2. New ESF animals
In March / April, in the Netherlands confiscated turtles are placed by the ESF with turtle holders who have registered with ESF.

3. Studbook keepersday 2018
- This year this day will be organized on a date to be determined and in a location to be determined, in cooperation with the Turtle Survival Alliance - Europe (TSA-Eu),
- It is possible that a whole weekend will be reserved for this event. Presentations can be held on Saturday and on Sunday one or more excursions, demonstrations, etc.
- A binding theme for both organizations will be: Conservation in various forms.
- All event dates from other organizations and fairs are of course taken into account.

4. Progress of studbooks
- Deleted are 3 inactive studbooks.
- Starting point of registrations : In the studbooks, only founder animals and F1 animals are registered whose origin is demonstrably legally established. The other animals are registered in a separate paragraph. Illegal animals are always refused.


1. Reports of studbook keepers and studbook overview..
All studbooks have been discussed and various actions are taken.
Some email addresses will be updated and requests for a few new studbooks will be further investigated.
Nick Cramer becomes co-studbook keeper Platysternon spp.

2. Progress of online registration system.
The ESF agrees with the Sacrome offer for further extensions / additions to the system.

3. New ESF website.
The ESF agrees with some comments / adjustments with the further development of the offered trial model. Sanne de Jong will be asked for further planning.

4. Membership of species 360.
The ESF does not participate in the system species 360 because the pros and cons of the system to be started are not sufficiently clear. There are too many uncertainties regarding the results.

5. Latest Newsletter and ESF Facebook
In 2017, another 1x Newsletter will follow, including the announcement that current ESF announcements and other information about studbooks etc. will all be communicated via ESF facebook.
The accessibility and speed of the facebook page are greater. Nick Cramer is the manager of the ESF facebook page.

6. Proposal studbook aims by Victor Loehr
The proposal of a three-part in studbooks is taken over.
The (co) studbook keepers are asked to choose from the three studbook registration models (from light to heavy) in consultation with their studbook participants.
The genetic aspect is basically the basis for all models; What's then all or not will be used further with is then dependent on the chosen model type.


1. Studbook keepersday 2017.
This will take place on April 15, 2017 again in the MEC in Nieuwegein, NL.
The program will be published as soon as possible.
Due to the additional costs, a lunch fee of € 5 pp. will be asked.

2. Progress of online registration system.
With Sacrome and our webmaster, system adjustments are made and implemented.
Later, the online registration system will be linked to our new website.

3. New ESF website.
A test model is being developed and tested.

4. Dutch IBG - ESF animal transfer
Of the min. EZ-, regularly seized animals are received in ownership. The ESF places these animals at studbook participants.
At the reception of the animals the participants should sign the usual ESF contract and contribute € 25 per animal to the costs of EU certificates, etc.


1. ESF core tasks.
The ESF will emphasize the realization of key core tasks.
- Cat. A studbook has the highest priority. Next tor the online studbook registration, annual reports are also required.
- Cat. B and C studbooks books do not require annual reports, but online studbook registration (because it can always become cat. A studbookbooks).
- The studbook keepers of these last two studbook categories only serve as contact points and questionbakes. Of course, it is free to develop further activities.
- A well-functioning website remains necessary to provide information and to keep fame.
- Two newsletters per year must be sufficient for the time being to distribute special information. A letter will be sent in December 2016.

2. Website renewal.
Sanne de Jong (NL) will provide the ESF with new opportunities. He gets the free hand to make a new design.

3. ESF animals control
Didier Laurent (BE) becomes ESF animals control officer. The ESF administration is being updated.

4. Studbook keepersday 2017
Nick Cramer (NL) is asked to take the lead.
A central location of the location is again preferred.
Date and location will be recorded as soon as possible.

5.Coordinator of studbook keepers / studbooks
Nick Cramer and Andrew Lewis become coordinator.

6. EAZA software computer course
Two ESF students are asked to report during the studbook keepersday 2017


1. Testudo kleinmanni project -ReHerp
The amounts deposited for this project on the ESF bank account will be transferred to the Reherp bank account.

2. Online registration system
The introduction period is expanded to give more time to the herd bookkeepers.

3. Culture programs
Following the completion of the online registration, emphasis is placed on drawing up and updating breeding programs for the further development of populations. If possible, models for breeding programs will be designed to assist the studbook holders.

4. Dutch procedure of so called front door animals
The procedure is evaluated and updated if necessary.

5. ESF folder
The offer of sponsored new leaflets is appreciated and accepted.

6. Finance
The ESF carries out a rigorous financial policy.

7. Overview of outsourced work
To enable volunteers to participate in ESF activities, an overview is drawn up of all kinds of activities that can be performed incidentally and permanently.

8. Relationship ESF - TSA-Europe
The ESF will continue to contribute to the reception of seized animals inside and outside Europe.
Switzerland also cooperates with the ESF to build populations.

9. PR and social media
Michael Delahunt (IR) becomes Public Relations Officer. He opens an additional facebook page: Testudinidae Chelonia


1. Studbook keepers day 2016
Program finally determined

2. Testudo kleinmanni project / Fabina Martis
The ESF acts as the client of the Testudo kleinmanni project - Fabina Martis.
The direction, supervision, etc. of this project is conducted by Henk Zwartepoorte.


1. Online registration system
Sebag, Sparks and Excel registration files registration files can be transferred into the online system. The test registrations have been entirely successful. Instructions and explanations will be determined in consultation with Sacrome. The maintenance contract is approved with Sacrome.

2. Studbook keepers day 2016
Date will be finally determined. Some speakers are known.

3. So-called “voordeurdierenprocedure” in the Netherlands
After many years of operation this procedure will be now being evaluated together with / Cites management NL and, where necessary, possibly updated.

4. Periodic consultations with / Cites Management UK
On behalf of the Board Henk Zwartepoorte takes also part in this consultation meetings and he also functions as an intermediary after his retirement as president / board member.

5. Supervision (co) studbook keepers
On behalf of the Board Henk Zwartepoorte remains monitoring the output management of (co) studbook keepers after his retirement as president / board member.

6. EAZA Population Management course
The Board seeks candidates ESF (co) studbook keepers who likes to follow this course in 2016 and gives names to EAZA.


1. Evaluation studbooks
For various reasons, following studbooks are stopped: Chelodina longicollis, Ctenosaura melanosterna, Lygodactylus williamsi, Terrapene c. bauri, Terrapene coahuila, Terrapene o. luteola, Terrapene c. carolina, Terrapene c. major, Tylototriton shanjing.
Changes in studbook keepership: Chelodina mccordi, Malacochersus tornieri.

2. Board mangement changes
Per 2016-01-01, the ESF has a new president: Laurens Woldring.
In order to find the desired rejuvenation, the ESF seeks new people for the functions of secretary, treasurer, coordinator studbook keepers and PR managers.

3. Developing online registration
Each studbook keeper will emphatically pointing at the encryption of names and locations as an important principle for the ESF.
It must be prevented that holders are reluctant to name recognition and thus drop out.
The system will be operational by 2016-01-01. The (co) studbook keepers get a timely instructions and an explanation. They will get guidance as necessary at the start.

4. Consultation with / Cites Management / AIVD NL on 2015-09-15
Some discussion points to be treated in this meeting.

5. Studbook keepers day 2016
Date and program be establish as soon as possible.


1. Further detailed elaboration online registration system.

2. Development organisation Studbook keepers day 2015.


1. Evaluation studbooks
Studbooks, which for some time vacancies for new studbook keepers exist, are removed from the overview list. In the "Vacancy organization" on our website will be made a link to the available studbook information in the job description. Therefore if desired interested people can form a more complete picture of the studbook.
With the new division of work the board wants to strengthen cooperation with the (co)studbook keepers. Communication between the board and the (co)studbook keepers must come from both sides to reach ESF goals.

2. Online registration system
The system will be developed further. Absolute starting point is the guarantee of the privacy and anonymity of the animal keepers and the locations where their animals are kept. The online registration will be not made publicly visible.
Via a special login code the studbook participant can give online his mutations to the (co)studbook keeper, who assesses them and then encrypts them in the studbook registry.
The development brings with it significant costs and therefore a financing plan is prepared.

3. Board composition
A change in the board composition is implemented. To increase the effectiveness looks at a further adjustment of the organizational structure and a possible adjustment of the job profiles.

4. Countries coordinators
In the current job profile of the country coordinator is not included an intermediary function between the board and the studbook keepers / studbook participants in the country. This communication relationship is considered important.
The country coordinators will be asked whether they appreciate such a function and also whether it instead of a land area boundary a linguistic area boundary is more appreciated. If that is so, then the board will facilitate the other boundary.

5. Studbook keepers day(s) 2015
If possible, in May 2015 the following Studbook keepers day will be held, again in the Environmental Education Centre (MEC) in Nieuwegein NL. An exact date will be sought.
The board will consult with the (co)studbook keepers on the program for that day.
Multiple Studbook keepers days can be organized in a calendar year.

6. Turtle and tortoise projects in Catalonia, Spain
The ESF provides as possible advice and assistance, in particular the Testudo hermanni hermanni project in Catalonia.


1. Evaluation studbooks / studbook keepers
During the Studbook keepers day on January 26th last, the studbook keepers present pleaded for a more stringent policy concerning the number and type of studbooks. Following this, the Board provided a survey on February, 15th last and asked every studbook keeper two questions and requested them to return the questions before July first. On account of this, the Board has evaluated all studbooks on July 14th.

The Board have considered all pros and cons of every studbook and decided to cancel the following 26 studbooks.
Chersina angulata, Clemmys guttata, Ctenosaurus oerdirhina, Cyclemys dentata, Cyclemys tcheponensis, Epicrates subflavus, Geoemyda japonica, Kinixys belliana nogueyi, Kinosternon bauri, Kinosternon cruentatum, Kinosternon leucostomum, Kinosternon subrubrum, Mantella, Ocadia sinensis, Pelusios niger spp., Pogona henrylawsonyi, Sauromalus ater, Sternotherus minor, Terrapene carolina triungis, Terrapene ornata luteola, Testudo hermanni boettgeri, Tribolonotus novaeguinea, Tylototriton kweichowensis, Tylototriton shanjing, Tylototriton taliangensis, Tylototriton verrucosus.

The reasons for this are the following: insufficient activities, no response, generally kept and bred in Europe since, mostly outside the studbook, category of species, less participation in the studbook, made inactive earlier etc.

In some cancelled studbooks, there are confiscated animals (so called IBG animals) or so called 'front door animals' (animals 'dropped' in at the ESF Board). These animals are and will remain in possession of the ESF. There will be special registrations kept for these ESF animals from now on: Chrysemys picta belli, Cyclemys dentata, Ocadia sinensis, Pelusios niger spp, Testudo h. boettgeri.
The former studbook keepers will be asked to inform the Board on all existing animals.

If there remains still interest in these cancelled studbook species, then there will be a possibility to set-up a work-group or one or more contact persons, if so desired. So, transfer of knowledge and help of experienced and/or expert keepers and/or breeders need not be lost. At the moment, 2 study groups are published already, namely Kinosternon spp. and Rhinoclemmys spp. You can find them on the ESF website under the header Studbooks / Study groups.

Furthermore, the Board has decided to request 7 studbook keepers to optimize or resume their management shortly.
Next, the Board will speak with 11 studbook keepers about alterations to their (co) studbook keeper function.

The situation in situ and ex situ and the very small studbooks of some threatened /protected species must be made clear. Therefore, a separate explanation will be published on the website on the overview pages of the following Category A studbooks:
Cuora mccordi, Cuora aurocapitata, Cuora pani, Cuora trifasciata, Cuora zhoui.

2. Category changes
With regard to the in situ and ex situ situation of Lygodactylus williamsi, the studbook of this species will be raised to ESF category A.

3. Temporary registration
Some (co) studbook keepers have great difficulties with the use of the Sparks and / or Sebag registration program. These (co) studbook keepers are strongly advised to ask help from their fellow (co) studbook keepers, who are working successfully with this program.
If it does not work right away with their Windows version, a registration in Excel could be used as a temporary measure to prevent loss of data before the online registration system becomes operational.

4. Management plan for all studbooks
The Board wants to stake a further step by asking the (co) studbook keepers to make a management plan for their studbook. Leading up to this, the advice and help will be asked from an experienced studbook keeper.

5. Development of the online registration system
Development of an online registration system, which will be linked to the so-called ZIMS registration program used by the EAZA.

6. ESF publications
Advertising articles will be sent for publication to the NBSV, Lacerta, DGHT, DN, etc. Incorporated is a new list of all (co) studbook keepers and the vacancies the ESF would like to fill in with the cooperation of these organizations. In the article for the NBSV there is also a mention for what goal the annual financial contribution is used; the intent is to use it for DNA research on Corucia zebrataand Heosemys spinosa.

7. Adding / addition ESF Board
The Board would like to fulfil her promise to strife for professionalism. But in order to achieve this, more active persons are needed on the Board.
For some time now, there are vacancies on the Board.
Two new persons have declared to be willing to do board activities for the ESF, for which the Board is grateful. At the meeting of July 14th last, the decision was made to ask two more persons if they are willing to undertake board activities. To distribute board activities among more persons will make lighter work for board members and is less time consuming. And two know more than one. Giving direction and support to (co)studbook keepers is essential and so is more publicity and supply of information.
Furthermore, in this time of criticism on keeping certain hobby animals, there is a need for positive lists, alertness, the determination of position and participation in national and European discussions. All in all, there is much to do.
Therefore, the Board asks everybody who endorses the ESF goals and wants to get involved, to apply. The Boards will want to discuss the possibilities with them.


1. From the survey amongst (co) studbook keepers, two important points for improvement have arisen: 1st interactive communication en 2nd studbook registration.

2. For a user-friendly, central, online studbook registration-system, a programme of requirements will be drawn up as soon as possible, then a quotation will be requested.

3. A studbook keepers day will be organized to discuss the outcome of the survey and the proposals and action points based on the survey with the (co) studbook keepers.

4. For new and current (co) studbook keepers and board members, clear job descriptions should be drafted and ascertained, dealing with roles, tasks, obligations and responsibilities.

5. For new (co) studbook keepers, a clear introductory manual should be written, in which guidelines, examples etc. are recorded.
Also, manuals for the current (co) studbook keepers should be written as a support from the Board.

6. Placement of IBG-animals takes place, as usual, by the Board in coordination with the relevant (co) studbook keepers. Interested parties outside a studbook will be considered as candidates for placement.
A Coordinator for IBG-animals will be appointed, who will report to the Board and keep up with registrations. This staff member is not a member of the Board, but is answering to it.

7. Cat. C studbooks could be converted in special-interest groups. But Cat. C studbooks which are running well according to the (co) studbook keepers and participants, may remain.
Non-viable Cat. C studbooks will be terminated, after consultation with the (co) studbook keepers and participants.

8. At the request of the relevant studbook keepers, the following studbooks will be terminated: Oplurus c. cuvieri, Pelusios castaneus, Pelusios carinatus, Rhinoclemmys p. incisa, Rhinoclemmys p. manni.
At their request Peter van Putten (Pelusios), Oscar Martinez (Terrapene o.ornata), Jordi Sabaté (Clemmys guttata) en Merijn Kerlen (Cuora amboïnensis), will be relieved of their task as (co) studbook keepers, with many thanks.

9. The following vacancies exist:
(Co) studbook keepers: Cuora (Pyxidea) mouhotti, Geoemyda spengleri, Terrapene ornata ornata .
Board advisors: PR officers en Legal advisor international (European legislation).


1. The opinion of all (co) studbook keepers will be asked for a new élan and a new structure for the ESF.
- In the beginning of September 2012, a letter will be sent to all (co) studbook keepers with the question: “will they support the continued existence of the ESF and when affirmative what do they think this will mean.” Furthermore, they will be asked if they want to continue their own studbook work.
The (co) studbook keepers will have 4 weeks to react.
- After these 4 weeks (beginning of October), the Board will discuss the reactions of the (co) studbook keepers. Following this, the Board will decide how the ESF will make a fresh start.
- After that, a studbook keepers day will be organized, in which the wishes of the (co) studbook keepers and the Board and a concrete approach will be discussed.

2. Facebook ESF is activated. The search for more PR officers is on.

3. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), has been signed in full by both parties. This means a significant step forward in our cooperation. The MOU will be published on the website and an announcement will be made on Facebook ESF.


1. The roll-up banners and new leaflets will be based on the lay-out and colours of the new website.

2. The board is seeking people who will participate in public-relations activities.

3. The ESF-coordinators in Belgium, France, Germany, United-Kingdom and Greece will be better informed on board matters in the future.

4. The possibilities of sponsoring are being investigated. Sponsoring will not be accepted from people/companies which are professionally involved in trade in animals caught in the wild.

5. To improve the financial settlement of ESF shelter animals from confiscations, a system of transfer-buffers will be launched: a (standard) contribution per species per animals will have to be paid in advance, after which a post-audit settlement will take place.

6. A letter to studbook holders, who are backward in sending in reports and/or not responding to e-mails.

7. The proposal to start Dendrobates / Ranitomeya studbooks have been approved. The Committee Genetic will consult with the promoter on the set-up.


1. The new website will only publish the most recent annual studbook reports. In addition to this there will be a link to the old site, so interested people will be able to look up the old annual reports. Recent news is immediately visible on the new sit, older news will be placed in a news archive.

2. The studbooks G. catbonaria (cat. C), G. denticulata (cat. B), T.o. luteola (cat. A) en U. thomasi (cat. B) are being discontinued. The studbooks T.c. carolina (cat. B), T.c. major (cat. B) en T.o. ornata(cat. B) will also be stopped if no further activities will take place.

3. The programme for the studbook keepers day 2010 has been approved.

4. The proposal to publish an ESF-magazine once a year, will not be developed. There will be, however, per organisation within the EU (NBSV, DGHT, DN, Lacerta, ISV, etc.), one or more articles focussed on those specific organisations published in those magazines.

5. 3 roll-up banners will be purchased for PR-activities.


1. Some studbook keepers will be urged on to send in their Year report 2009 with the utmost speed.

2. In one way or another informal living-room meetings, study group meetings, etc. must be promoted with the (co) studbook keepers.

3. The Studbook keepers day 2010 will take place in November in Blijdorp Zoo, the Netherlands. The exact date will be appointed later. For the Studbook keepers day 2011 is Antwerp, Belgium an option.

4. The idea to publish a ESF magazine once a year, will be developed. Advertisement will be necessary.

5. The ESF will continue to accept confiscated turtles and tortoises from Hong Kong, for the purpose to give these animals still a good life. Placing of species will take place with the usual ESF conditions in cooperation with the concerned (co) studbook keepers. Also placing with people in EU countries without supervision of ESF coordinators, is acceptable with the usual ESF conditions to rescue these animals.
The financial contribution pro animal will be fixed by the total costs of the import, the number of imported animals, and the measure of threat / conservation / legal status / in situ en ex situ situations.

6. Ir. Didier Laurent from Belgium is appointed to be member of the Committee Genetics.


1. Concerning studbooks of which since two years no information is given:
- Category B and C studbooks will disappear of the website, if no one applies after the call for a new studbook keeper. The present studbook keeper receives a notice of this measure.
- Category A studbooks remain on the site and keep the highest priority in management.
- There will be placed a call for a new studbook keeper on the website (Vacancy organization). Reactions can be send in principle within two months.

2. The date of send in the year reports remains April 1. The studbook keepers will remind about this rule a few times in the months before.

3. The size of the studbook remains in principle maximum 200 / 250 animals. Studbooks of threatened species (Category A) can have less than ten animals in special affairs.

4. Studbooks may have several co-studbook keepers.

5. A standard ESF promotion presentation will be made which also can be used by studbook keepers.

6. On the present website starts a private forum for studbook keepers en studbook participants. Some pages wil be adjust to new ideas.

7. Conditions for requests for genetic research will be published on the site.

8. A new website will be made.

9. The number of boardmembers is reduced.


1. In drawing up the Keeping guidelines for keeping species a link has been made between the length of the species concerned and their normal activities to ensure an acceptable living environment. The Keeping guidelines will only be drawn up for ESF species.

2. The aim of DNA- research is to prevent hybridiation between different forms of the species. The aim of ESF is to keep as close to the natural form as possible (selecting on appearance can lead to many mistakes, to select from parentage is more correct).
The DNA- research protocol will be sent to every studbook keeper and subsequently published on the site. Every studbook keeper will be asked to submit possible DNA- research requests to the board with a motivation. Firstly, we will state that the budget is restricted for the moment. In principle DNA-research is useful when it is expected within reason that there will be some result. In the first instance the ESF will consider ex- situ situations.

3. Realization of a new Central studbook registration will be started on the website. The studbook keepers will be informed and asked to sent in a provisional back-up of the registration to the board.

4. With appreciation for the initiative, we will cooperate with a further collaboration with the Dutch Society for Herpetology and Terrarium keeping "Lacerta". The informative article of Lacerta will be sent to every studbook keeper / studbook participant.

5. The tasks of coordination in the EU- countries will be concentrated on: a. guiding the studbook keepers from their country, b. promoting the ESF with organizations and private persons. The ultimate responsibility will remain with the board.

6. The annual account for 2008 has been established.

7.On behalf of the protection project for Testudo kleinmanni , 1200 Euros will be made available under certain conditions out of the special post Testudo kleinmanni for the T-shirt project for pupils in Egypt. Feedback on results will be take place.


1. In the "Houdbaarheidsrichtlijnen voor het houden van soorten" NL will be made a coupling with the length and the normal activities of the regarding species to attain a decent environment.

2. After the approval, the Protocol DNA- researches will be send to all studbook keepers and also published on this site. Then the studbook keepers are able to make motivated requests for DNA-research to the Board. These requests will be judged on the basis of standards of the ESF.
Requests for DNA-research who can not be financial supported by the ESF can of course be executed as private activity. The Advisory committee genetics is gladly willing to accompany these private DNA- researches if desired.

3. Rob Verhoeks takes over the General coordinator studbook keepers activities from Laurens Woldring. The Board is looking for a new General board member.

4. The Studbook keepers day 2009 takes place on a more precisely fixed date in September in Blijdorp Zoo Rotterdam.

5. Requests for new studbooks have to be motivated. A format will be published on this site as expedient for the applicant.
The Studbook keepers day 2009 takes place on a more precisely fixed date in September in Blijdorp Zoo Rotterdam.

6. The request for a new studbook Geoemyda japonica is approved by the Board.

7. A Protocol for post-mortem examinations of ESF- animals will be published on this site after the approval.

8. The Board is looking for candidates for the function of studbook keeper Chinemys reevesii. Motivated applications can be send to the secretary.

9. Information about several projects will be published on this site.

10. Next Board meeting on 14 June 2009.


1. The board welcomes Alexander Bakker as second PR officer in the board.

2. In behalf of the research after the possibilities of a central studbook registration the ESF seeks also extern advise and support.

3. With three different animal medical laboratories in the Netherlands and one laboratory in Belgium the ESF makes arrangements to do post-mortem examinations on death ESF animals.

4. In behalf of all studbook participants a Protocol will made for preserve and tender animals for post-mortem examinations.

5. A Protocol for DNA research of special indicated species will made. In this Protocol will also assimilate the consequences of these examinations.

6. For paying the expenses of post-mortem examinations and of special DNA research there will be special entries in the ESF budget.

7. The need of another software instruction day will take stock of.

8. The Studbook keepers day 2008 will take place on June 29, 2008 in the Zoo Amersfoort, NL. Among other things the three Study groups will give their reports.

9. The ESF Annual Financial Account 2007 is approved.

10. The fiscal so called ANBI status for the Netherlands is applied.

11. In connection with the several important activities an active fundraising is started.

12. The concept Police note 2008 - 2011 is discussed. Some supplements will still be subjoined.


1. By common consent, Rob Verhoeks was voted a General Board member. Among other thing, he will be specifically occupied with the expanding of contacts with the (co-) studbook keepers.

2. Possibilities of realising a central studbook registration will be investigated. Points of departure will be:
• The central studbook registration will be published on the ESF site, so everybody can consult it, if so desired.
• Only (co-) studbook keepers, some board members and the webmaster will be able to change these registrations by using an unique code and only from their own PC.
• The (co-)studbook keepers will be responsible for the functioning of the studbook registration at all times.
• All studbook participants will receive an unique number, which is valid for every studbook they participate in.

3. The possibilities for realising some kind of breeding station in The Netherlands will be investigated.

4. The revised classification in categories of the ESF studbooks has been established. The classification has been restricted to three categories, based on the in situ and ex situ situation of the species concerned. If a new proposed studbook does not fall under one of these three categories, then such a studbook is not desirable. The revised category classification will be published on the website.

5. In sending round the established and revised ESF category classification, the (co-) studbook keepers will be asked -in cooperation with their studbook participants- to evaluate their studbooks on its viability, their view on the future and the right classification of the category. - With studbooks on which the boards have not received reports etc. for the past two years, there will be a consultation with the studbook keepers, to see if the studbook can be transferred to a replacement studbook keeper.

6. To avoid misunderstandings, contacts between the ESF and other organisations will be published on the website.

7. The Officer Public Relations is also a member of the board.

8. The ESF leaflet will soon be printed in many languages and widely circulated.

9. The function of technical advisor will be created and fulfilled out by Fred Jan Kraan. The technical advisor will lead the research on the central studbook registration. Responsible for web issues will be Ruben Lybaert.

10. Bringing in Ctenosaura bakeri of the Utila bakeri station in Honduras under the ESF studbook is approved. The objective of the station goes well with the ESF objectives.

11. The Platysternon studbook will be transferred to Mark Klerks (studbook keeper) and Harry Rotmans (co-studbook keeper).

12. In The Netherlands the ESF has signed a new protocol with the NL Ministry LNV-DR- section Confiscated Animals and Iguana Zoo, Vlissingen for transferring ownership of the animals to the ESF. The NL Ministry LNV-DR-IBG is always commissioner of DNA-research and pays the costs. Furthermore, this service Dr-IBG will commission CITES-certificates / dispossessions and will pay the fees.


1. On the registration form, the date of birth should be mentioned. When unknown, the date should be assessed and mentioned as 00 January of the assessed year.

2. The study group South-East Asia will be lead by Martin van Wees.

3. DNA-surveys will from now on be done by the UV Gent, Belgium.

4. DNA-survey of the second Hong Kong group Geochelone elegans is under way.

5. Concerning breeding programs: animals which are hatched at another location than that in which the eggs are laid, should be entered in the studbook registration as the location of the parent animals and consequently a day later transferred to de address where they were hatched and the young are staying.

6. It will be further stimulated to involve OOS with studbooks.

7. Because absolutely no trade is allowed with ESF animals, these animals have no economic or fiscal value. Our financial advisor will nevertheless be asked if the intrinsic value of these animals can be entered as ESF property in the accounts.

8. The study group Cuora will be lead by Henk Zwartepoorte.

9. Further consultation will take place with the NL-Ministry LNV, DR-Cites-management concerning the role of the ESF in case of found turtles.

10. In cooperation with the NL-Ministry LNV, DR-IBG, existing IBG-ESF contracts will be evaluated and if necessary updated.


1. In placing IBG/TSA/ESF-animals, more attention will be paid to the signing and archiving of new contracts. The wellbeing of animals should be better guarded, so disputes with keepers, donating organizations and supervisory institutions will be prevented.

2. Studbook participants with ESF-animals, are reminded again of their duty to report all deaths etc. to the board and their studbook keeper. These studbook keepers are again reminded that they should have consultations with the board.

3. New contracts will be accentuated on certain points (like putting animals in a refrigerator and not a deep freeer after death).

4. For the moment, the number of board members will not be changed. Advisors are not members of the board, but are sincerely invited to attend board meetings (=the normal possibility of meeting for a foundation).

5. Keeping recommendations for ESF-species will be formulated. The NL-Ministry LNV, DR. Cites-management will receive a copy on their request.

6. Registration of amphibians is best done by group (group management).

7. Starting breeding programmes will get priority from now on. We will begin with some test programmes.

8. The ESF will give financial and practical support to the project Pancake-turtles (Malacochersus tornieri) in Africa.

9. We will aim for a form of cooperation with reptile- and amphibians-organizations.


1. The ESF-website will be the main source of information for all those involved with the ESF and all persons interested. Instead of annual Newsletters, studbook holders will be informed on important matters by short messages if necessary.

2. A standard model will be published on the website for the annual studbook reports.

3. The annual studbook report will contain a section called `Genetic survey`.

4. We endeavour to publish breeding programmes for all studbooks.

5. Persons outside the EU-countries will be able to participate in ESF-activities by subscribing to one or more studbooks.


1. Annual reports will have to be published in the English language on the website. Other languages are possible in addition to English.


1. Studbook holders and participants may deliver articles, reports, graphics etc. concerning the species to be placed in the studbook section of the ESF-website.


1. Consultation will take place with inactive studbook holders about their problems with the studbook. A solution will be sought in cooperation with the board.

2. The category classification of the studbooks will be updated if necessary.


1. The division in three types of ESF-studbooks will be maintained.

Type A = very small populations in captivity and/or threatened in the wild; vulnerable; critical. Warrants for the continued existence of the studbook and strict rules for registration is obligatory.

Type B = very small population in captivity or lower risk in the wild

Type C = other, including candidates.

2. For a better identification of the animals, the ESF is not in favour of microchip transponders, because this method has some clear physical drawbacks. The ESF is more in favour of photo documentation as a sensible alternative.

3. Minimal requirements for housing and feeding of species will be developed and documented as guidelines. These will be published on the website in the studbook section.


1. ESF points of support will be developed in EU-countries. These will function as an extension of the General Coordinator Studbooks in The Netherlands. All ESF-contacts in the relevant EU-country with governments, organisations, associations and sponsors will in principle be conducted by these points of support.

2. The ESF is by no means a rescue organisation for surplus animals. We do however assist in placing animals coming from the Turtle Survival Alliance Europe (TSA) and nationwide investigation and inspection services, insofar and if space and cooperation is made possible by the ESF-board.

3. A central point for complaints will be established (e-mail address of the secretary).