
ESF members present at European Turtle Alliance Conference

At the annual conference hosted by the European Turtle Alliance, President Boris Berlijn, representing the European Studbook Foundation (ESF), shared insights into the organization's work in the Netherlands and across Europe. The event, which took...

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Studbook management new style

On 2-6-2021 we contacted the studbook keepers in order to think about formulating a clear goal for your studbook. Reason for this is that a lot of studbooks have become unmanageable because of their size or for not having been brought up t...

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Presentation Victor Loehr about CITES

On the ESF studbook keepers day 2017 Victor Loehr gave a presentation about the role of CITES. This news item is a summary of his presentation.

Victor Loehr has been working for the Scientific Authority for CITES in the Netherlands for mor...

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The McCord Snake necked turtle – Chelodina mccordi

The McCord Snake necked turtle – Chelodina mccordi (Family Chelidae) is a moderate-sized snake-necked turtle endemic to the tiny island of Roti (= Rote) in southeastern Indonesia. It has an extremely limited distribution and has been subjected t...

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Conservation ex situ in the Netherlands

In each ESF-newsletter we will interview either a passionate individual or an employee of an organisation that is connected to ESF. In this first newsletter we would like to introduce Johan and Marja Lansbergen.

The couple has been breedin...

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Studbook keeper day 2013 review

Saturday, January 26, 2013 the ESF had organized a Studbook keepers day in the Environmental Education Centre (MEC) in Nieuwegein, Netherlands. 31 people participated in this successful day. The program of this day consisted of much discussion on ...

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Froglog Amphibian research and conservation in Vietnam

Froglog Amphibian research and conservation in Vietnam


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Round Island boa returned to native habitat for first time in 150 years

A group of Round Island boas are being reintroduced to one of their original habitats on another Mauritian island for the first time since the 1860's.

This historical step in a long-standing programme by Durrell and its partners to protect...

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Ctenosaura melanosterna, laatste bolwerk bedreigd

Sinds 2007 heeft het I.U.C.N. Ctenosaura melanosterna, Honduras Zwarte Leguaan, als Critical Endangered geclassificeerd. De I.S.G./I.U.C.N. is gelijk begonnen met het opzetten van beschermingsprogramma’s. Door de instabiele politieke situatie in...

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All about vitamins, minerals and Tortoises

There is a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the role of vitamins and minerals. Many people believe that the more you get of both the better - this is categorically not true, indeed, some vitamins and minerals can be positively dangerous i...

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Plants for reptiles

Baby's Tears
Basil (leaves and flowers)
Chinese Lantern (flowers)
Carnations (petals)
Chamomile, English
Dahlia (flowerhead)
Dandelion (leaves, flowerhead)
Day Lili...

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Common Poisonous Plants

While plants add a touch of color and fragrance to our daily lives they also inject an element of danger into the lives of our pets. More than 700 plants have been identified as producing physiologically active or toxic substances in sufficient am...

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Giftige planten

Paarden zijn ook planteneters. Daar ben je vast allang achter. Hou een plakje ham voor de pony zijn neus en de meeste pony's zullen met een verschrikt gezicht hun hoofd afdraaien. Vroeger, toen het paard nog in het wild leefde, kon een paard aller...

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Conservation project Testudo kleinmanni in Egypt

In the early 8ties Testudo kleinmanni was seldom kept in captivity and prices in the pet trade were between 500 and 1000 Hfl or DM. After larger numbers were exported to the EU prices dropped to around 150 Hfl or DM. Almost all adult wild caught a...

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